2019 Linda's May Flowers

(She's been busy!)

Linda's worked long hours in the hot sun since March trying to remove grass and weeds and get her
flower beds dressed up for her mom and others to enjoy.  She's bought some news ones to add to them.

I thought our next project would be replacing the hedges in front of the house.  Here's what the front
looked like in the fall of 2018 before we had the front porch painted and stained.  Notice the boxwood
hedges on both sides of the porch.  These things are high maintenance.  By the summer of 2019 they
had grown so tall they were in bad need of trimming.

Linda and I have been talking of removing them for years.  Now was the time.

Our good friend Carlos Guzman said he could do the job for us so we were glad to have
him do it.  Here's the house today with the hedges gone.

But replacing the hedges with something else will have to wait.  Lately, the back yard has
been our biggest focus.  Here's Linda once more headed out to weed her Day Lillies.  She
has spent hours and hours on this flower bed during the past few months.

She's also been working on her roses.  Here's the left side of the rose bed against the fence
in the distance.  The row of pampas grass borders the roses on the opposite side of the fence.

The landscape timbers in the foreground are free to a good home.  We promised them to my
son, Adam, but he hasn't picked them up yet.

I don't know the names of the roses but this one had a label.  It's called an Oklahoma rose.

Here's a pretty pink rose.

This red rose grows smaller flowers but lots of 'em once it fills out with blooms.

Here's a closeup.

This one's a bit lighter in color.

Linda and I both dearly love this one.

It's sort of yellow-orange in the middle surrounded with edges of light pink.

Here's another dark pink one.

A closeup of it reveals that it's a different type of rose than the usual ones.

Here's one of Linda's bird baths in the foreground with pine straw by the fence waiting to
be distributed as new mulch.  In the distance perhaps you can see the Sega Palms.  That's
an are of Linda's rose beds she hasn't yet decided what she wants to fill in with.

Here's a white rose.

... and another closeup.

I forget what she calls these things.  They don't flower, just look pretty with their green
leaves with white edges.  She says they get much bigger as they age.

Here's a yellow rose.

A closeup.

Another favorite of ours.  Not sure what you call this, maybe "orange"?

Sure is pretty!

Here's another pink one.

... and a closeup.

A red rose.

and closeup.

Yet another pink rose.

and closeup.

I think she said this one is called purple.

The color gets darker over time as the plant matures.

And this one is kind of a dark yellow.

Here's a closeup.

Now on to her Day Lillies.  What color would you call this?

No question about the color of this red one.

This one is sort of a purple I think.  Or maybe dark pink?

This one is deep yellow.

I love this one with a purple heart and peach colored petals.

Another pink one.

Here's a yellow one.

Now on to her butterfly plans.  These are called "Lantana."

This Lantana has 3 colors -- a yellow heart surrounded by pint with deep yellow orange hearts.

This Lantana has yellow flowers.

And this one has red flowers with a dark yellow orange center.

These Day Lillies are late bloomers.  I took this photo last year when they were in full bloom.
These are the ones she planted by the house back several years ago.  That's a Gladiola in the
center of them.  It hasn't bloomed yet in this photo.

Here's another one of Linda's bird baths.  This photo was also taken last year.

I don't have more recent photos of humming bird feeders, new pavers, and such.  I hope
to get photos of those when all the work is done.  The back yard is looking better, though.

~ END ~